Dear People of the World,
I stand with you today at a turning point in the history of humanity.
At a moment where I, all of you, and the people of this world, must reinvent ourselves. Not through competition, but through the creative power present in all of us – a power that can and should flourish:
the power of art.
I have always relied on weapons and the might of the military, but now it is time to recognize humanity’s true strength, to liberate mankind. For it is art that defines the essence of a human being, and it is art that shows me, you, and all of humanity the way forward, the path into the future.
That I choose this moment – January 1, 2025 – is no coincidence. Today, we stand at the threshold of a new era. The world is in dire straits, worse than it was during my youth.
Before I address what must happen to the world and its people, allow me to speak briefly about the men and women of today.
Everywhere the same men and women.
They wear uniforms. They wear the ugliest uniforms I’ve ever seen. They look the same. They all smell the same, especially the women, who all wear the same, vile perfume. Men and women both give the same attention to their fingernails, as if their lives depended on it! The same hairstyles! Their lips – all the same shape – something I could only dream of! They wear the same glasses, often with plain lenses, devoid of prescription – a façade of style. Hypocrisy! Same grins, because they all look the same. What is going on in their heads?
Not a spark of an independent spirit exists within them. Inside, they are filled with the same crap-shit. They talk the same crap-shit. They talk about the same crap-shit. They have the same interests. And that’s why they fertilize each other with their crap-shit.
The men and women of today are made of shit – they even find each other attractive and actually reproduce! – and thus form a self-fertilizing cycle of shit! They are born from crap-shit, fertilize themselves, and affirm themselves in all their mediocre, uniform shit!
They eat the same shit, move the same way. They move even more uniformly than my soldiers once did in goose-step! Can you believe that? It’s revolting! They even shit the same way. And the worst part: They react the same way!
They cry when there’s nothing to cry about. They laugh when there’s nothing to laugh about. I know this: There’s no life inside them. Their minds are animated by shit, controlled by shit! The engineers of shit know their craft!
To the engineers of shit, let it be known:
I will push them back and obliterate them with my final measure! They will sink into irrelevance and no longer play a role because no one will pay attention to them anymore.
The men and women of today – whose only justification for existence is the consumption of shit! And so, they are good for nothing. They are bred and blinded, yet even ignorance – the true root of all evil – pours out of their assholes!
They are ignorant of anything that hurts their feelings, anything that might compel them to break their cycle of shit. They reject anything that might lead them to live in freedom!
They’re a lost cause! Discipline and willpower are foreign concepts to them.
The men and women of this age are more broken than ever!
But now it is time to declare an evolution – not a revolution of weapons, not a revolution of politics, but an evolution of art!
The dictatorship of art!
This means granting art the highest authority. It means recognizing it as the supreme form of power. What I realized in my youth, amidst all the art I once seized, is this: art is not merely an expression of the individual – it is the guiding force that holds humanity together, that understands us as a unity, that leads me, you, all of us into the future.
The artistic vision we will pursue from today onward in this world is one that reflects strength and purity – the purity of our world, of all humanity.
Artists will no longer be hindered or harassed. Not by the whims and malice of mass culture, the mediocrity of shit, the decadence, ideology, politics, or power of the modern age.
No! Art will take on moral leadership through the artists. Art will, through them, create an unshakable foundation upon which humanity will continue to build from this point forward.
A new world will emerge! A world that no longer sinks into shit but instead triumphs in art! Not only I, but all of humanity, will redefine the struggle. The new struggle will be founded on the principles of discipline, purity, and creation – on instincts.
Art will no longer be influenced by ideologies full of of shit, neither by religion nor politics. Instead, art will become the work of humanity, the work of the Über-humanity, and thus the pinnacle of creative power.
What do I ask of you?
I demand from every person, from every artist, from every man and every woman, to approach art in a new way. Fearlessly and with courage! Definitively and completely!
From now on, you should no longer be simple consumers who get high on shit. You shall become creators! You shall make art your highest duty! Each of you possesses a unique talent, each carries a gift within, whether in painting, music, literature, or architecture – I call upon you to design the visions of a new world!
Every single person on this Earth who refuses to embrace art can leave! They should disappear and never show their face again! No violence shall befall them – I’ve had enough of violence – but they should crawl away and take their ideological shit, their fucking mediocrity, their decadence, their religion, and their political ambitions with them somewhere else. Anywhere but here on our planet Earth!
Beat it! Piss off!
Art is the catalyst for humanity’s elevation, humanity’s ascent, and everyone who surrenders to art, follows it, and lets it guide them is part of this ascent, part of this evolution!
What does it mean for each of you to be part of this evolution?
It means that every one of you must embody the highest values of art! In every brushstroke, every musical note, every line, every conceivable act, and even in every single thought! Especially in your thoughts! Because that is where it all begins.
Each of you individually, and thus all of you collectively, now assumes the moral responsibility to lead yourselves – and humanity as a whole – through the pure power of art.
But this call is not limited to artists alone! It is a call to every individual, to all of humanity.
The Dictatorship of Art signifies not only an evolution within humanity but an evolution in every area of life! From craftsman to thinker, from worker to academic – each will need to understand their work as a creative, generative, and utterly natural act.
Each is summoned to contribute to the shaping of the New World, the Über-World, through the ultimate, absolute, and total devotion to art – the everlasting truth.
Because art endures everything! The history of humanity proves it!
Shit fades, art remains!
And therefore, I hereby declare the worldwide Dictatorship of Art!
From now on and for all time, art will take the lead. It will guide the spirit and soul of humanity. The leaders of the Dictatorship of Art will not be politicians or military commanders. No, the leader will be every artist, leading themselves – not in shitty offices or ugly barracks, but in studios, colossal halls and spaces, in the grandest buildings of this world.
But now, at this moment, at the dawn of the Dictatorship of Art, I too must announce a decision I have made for myself:
I resign.
I resign, in my role as Über-Leader. As the father of all political ideologies, all power, all politics. After my resignation, there will be no more politics, no power structures standing in the way of art! Because the path of art requires none of that shit! Art needs no political or religious leadership, no coercion, no control, no domination by humans. Art is more radical and total than anything – and therefore, cooler than anything I know!
Art is freedom!
Art does not cause victims!
And art knows no hierarchies, no oppression, no domination.
I resign and place myself in the hands of the artists and of art. Since I am the forefather of all existing ideologies, there can and will no longer be any political parties.
From this moment forward, the only leadership is the leadership of art!
Politics, religion, and power, all those shitty ideologies, are irrelevant from now on. The true and only path of humanity leads forward, through art, and thus into the future.
Each and every one of you, all of humanity, will be led by art!
In the new world, there will be no more presidents or chancellors, no more leaders. There will only be art! Art is the true leader of humanity!
I, the Über-Leader of all people, take my final step today. I leave the leadership to art!
A new era has begun!
A new age begins!
The golden age is here!
Men and women of this world, it is your duty to join the movement. It is your duty to become part of the new time. The best time humanity has ever seen!
Humanity will be the victor – the victor in art! You all are the builders of the New World, a world determined by the dictatorship of art!
So be it, and so it shall happen!
The Über-World will come!
Thank you!