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Do you know that?

I needed a little longer in the bathroom because I brushed my teeth, and I just came back to the room when she was just leaving, and I saw it on her face, and I asked,

“Did you just do it to yourself?”

She laughs.

To be honest, I don’t know what criteria there are, what indications there are, that lead me to suspect it, but somehow my system notices.

And often I’m right. So, when I think back, I was always one hundred percent correct when I expressed this suspicion.

With a climax, for example, it’s different. Sometimes I’m unsure whether she has come or not. Not because there is “nothing”, but because there was something that was bothering her body. The only question is whether it was an orgasm or something else. With women, it is strangely enough innately so that they can catapult themselves into states that last longer, and almost express themselves as if it were an orgasm.

And that’s exactly where I occasionally ask, because then I’m unsure whether she had an orgasm or not.

To stick with the climax: when a woman fakes an orgasm for me, I notice. But the interesting thing is that women have always realized – and that even before – that I would notice. To be honest, I don’t know of any woman who has ever faked an orgasm for me.

I wonder why that is?

I suspect it’s because there was simply no need. I could live with her not having an orgasm.

I think that’s all right and it’s the right thing to do. Nothing would be more annoying and pointless than faking an orgasm. Just imagine – men do it too!

At least that’s what I’ve heard.

If I wanted to fake something, it would be crying. But I can’t do that at all. Crying is incredibly difficult for me, although it would be important to me – more important than many other things at the moment – that I could cry normally, like others. And that’s why, if I wanted to fake something, it would be crying.

Weird, isn’t it?

I don’t really remember how I got to all this.

Oh yes – that I’m always right about some things. So I would also say that I’m one hundred percent right about whether someone is really crying or just pretending to cry.

On TV, I often saw some important rats crying in front of the cameras.

I never bought it.

But unfortunately many others did.

You know what I mean.