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Next book project

The manuscript for my fourth novel is complete and comprises a total of 1,048 standard pages (30 lines per page / 60 characters per line) or 1,456,450 characters, which corresponds to around 226,912 words.

The manuscript has now been submitted to over sixty literary agencies in German-speaking countries, but none of them seem to be able to fully support the book. This doesn’t necessarily surprise me, because it’s at least as provocative as the ‚Fucking Shorts‘.

That’s why I decided to publish the book myself.

It is my most comprehensive and personal work to date. To ensure the highest quality, I plan to subject it to a thorough editing process. The cost of this proofreading is almost ten thousand dollars, at a price of just over nine dollars per standard page.

Your support is invaluable to me on the way to publishing this book. Your help brings me closer to my goal of presenting the book to the world.

A large part of the proceeds from the ‚Fucking Shorts‘ will go towards my book project. Your support in reading and sharing the stories actively and directly contributes to making the publication of my book possible. I am grateful for any support on my way to realizing this project.

You can find the latest news here.