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Special: Santans’ Mass – Fourth Advent


The future belongs to children. Santan knew that too.

That’s why, as every year, he secured the role of Santa Claus in the show “Gifts from Heaven.” The show was extraordinary, broadcast live with interpreters for every language across the globe.

Billions of children were watching.

He reached more kids than Michael Jackson ever did.

Santan’s original plan for this year was to announce the death of the fourth bastard pig live on air. But this year was different. He had an epiphany that changed everything: killing wouldn’t change the world, and neither would the death of another bastard pig.

Instead, Santan had an ultimate message for the children of the world.

Seated in a lavish Christmas armchair, surrounded by dozens of cameras, Santan looked out over a large live audience of parents and their children.

A young boy leapt from his seat and ran toward him.

“What do you want?” Santan asked.

“Can I sit with you?”

“Sure, but you have to stay quiet and not say a word. Promise?”


Santan hoisted the boy onto his lap.

The studio fell silent.

“I’m Santan. And this may be the last time you see me,” he began. “I have a joyous message to share. Every year, I deal with the naughty ones. But now I’ve realized something,” he said, pointing into the crowd. “The naughtiest ones are you.”

The audience murmured in discomfort.

Santan cast aside his iron pan with a thunderous clatter and continued.

“I would like to judge you all. But I’m not talking about the children. But from you, the adults. But it won’t be me who will do it, but the children themselves. Your children. This is how I will pass on my legacy to the children, and this is how my legacy will live on. The children will do the work when it is necessary. And that’s when you have to be punished. And I only give one thing to the children.”

“What?” the little boy wanted to know.

“If you see your parents doing bad things, you have the right to punish them. Maybe not now, when you’re still small and powerless. But later, when you’re grown up.”

“How will I know if my parents are bad?”

“You’ll know. When the time comes, you’ll know.”

“Why are you doing this?” shouted a man from the audience, “why are you telling our children that they can smash our heads?”

“If your children punish you, they’ll have their reasons. And they will decide how to do it. It’s simple. I leave it to them. Behave yourselves. Especially toward your children. Because if you don’t, the reckoning will come.”