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Why I’m No Longer Watching the News!

I started this on January 1, 2025. 

I’d tried it before, again and again – like an alcoholic or some other kind of drug addict.

The news has pissed me off for as long as I can remember. Pretty much like drugs, actually, though when it comes to drugs, I’ll say this: Everyone is responsible for their own body and the decisions they make about it. Everyone should be free to do whatever they want with their body, as long as they don’t harm anyone else. It’s that simple.

Anyway – back to the news.

Why don’t I want to watch it anymore? Because I’m fed up with the political assholes. With the religious bullshitters. With the narcissistic bastards who just spout crap and act like they know better than me or anyone else. I can’t take it anymore! I don’t want to hear about it, see it, or know it exists!

The problem is – these piss politicians and other storytellers have too much power. They get all the attention. And then there are the people who actually do what they tell them to do.

Doesn’t anyone remember the saying: “If everyone jumped out of a window, would you do it too?” Or something like that.

What I mean is: Stop giving these people your attention! Stop following this horseshit that’s completely meaningless!

I can at least say this about myself: I’m not contributing to this bullshit! I don’t work for the golden prison we’re all stuck in, nor do I contribute to it in any other way.

And to be clear: I don’t want anyone else to have power either – not even me. No, I want no one to have this kind of power.

The problem, as always, isn’t the powerful themselves but everyone else who follows them and does the crap they demand.

That’s why I’m no longer watching the news. I have no respect for these wannabe journalists who take this fucked-up garbage seriously and report on it!

How about this: Stop giving politicians and all the other power-hungry assholes around the world any attention! Stop writing about them, stop noticing them! Act like they don’t exist! And, above all, stop doing what they want you to do. Let them do it themselves! Whatever it is! Let them go door to door to collect taxes themselves if they want. How about that?

I think that’s awesome.

I’d have no problem with it.

It would be an adventurous time.

And I like adventure.

And art.